Pickled Red Onion

This quick pickled red onion is a must in every fridge. It’s easy to do and keeps for 2 weeks in the fridge. Perfect to add to chillies, curries or any dish that needs a little zing. And it is sugar and salt free.


  • 1 Red Onion

  • 1 cup of cider vinegar

  • 1 cup of water

  • 1tsp of miso paste

  • 1tsp of coriander seeds (roasted)

  • 1tsp of black peppercorns (roasted)


Step 1 – Cut the red onion with a mandolin or knife as thin as you would like.

Step 2 – Add the cut onions into a clean glass jar that can sustain heat.

Step 3 – In a sauce pan heat the coriander seeds and peppercorns for a few minutes until fragrant. Add them to the top of the onions.

Step 4 – In a sauce pan heat the vinegar, water and miso past. Stir until the miso paste is dissolved.

Step 5 – Carefully poor the hot vinegar over the onions and seeds. Set it aside to cool down at room temperature.

Step 6 – The pickled onions will be ready to eat once they’re bright pink and tender, about 2 hour for very thinly sliced, or overnight for thicker sliced onions. They will keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

About the Ingredients

Notes: They are ready as soon as they turn bright pink, at least 2 hours in the fridge. If you wait 12 hours the coriander seeds and peppercorns will have infuse and perfume the vinegar and Red Onions.

Miso Paste: I’m using miso instead salt. You can substitute with salt but I avoid using salt where I can. In this recipe I think it works very well. It brings saltiness but also a warm umami complex layer.

Coriander Seeds: It’s flavour is earthy, tart, and sweet with a floral aroma that infuse the Red Onions. The seeds are super fun to crunch on too.

Where to use: On top of the Best Chilli Beans or stews. Salads, or any dish that needs some lifting. Try it on this culture Cream Cheese.