Healthy Oat Pancakes

These pancakes are easy to make, they are healthy and delicious. They are packed with whole grains and plant protein. A favourite of my Canadian husband. They are gluten free, sugar free and of course dairy free. I like to serve them with this lightly sweet cashew cream, berries and hemp seeds for extra protein.


For the Oat Pancakes

  • 1 cup of Oats (100 gr)

  • 160 ml of Plant Milk

  • 2 tsp of Baking Powder

  • 1/4 tsp of Bicarbonate of Soda

  • ½ tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • ½ tsp of pure Vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp of Maple Syrup

For the Cashew Cream

  • ½ cup of Cashews (soaked)

  • ½ Tbsp of Maple Syrup

  • 60-75 ml of filter water



Step 1 – Start by blending the oats into a flour in a hight speed blender.
Step 2 – Mix in the Baking Powder and Bicarbonate of Soda.
Step 3 – Add the wet ingredients, Plant Milk, Apple Cider Vinegar, pure Vanilla Extract and Maple Syrup.
Step 4 – Incorporate well without over mixing. Let the pancake batter rest for 15-30 mins.
Step 5 – While we wait for the batter, add the 3 cashew cream ingredients to a high speed blender. Start by adding 60ml of water and add the remaining 15ml if needed.
Step 6 – When you reach a smooth and consistence cream, poor it into a bowl and reserve to use later.
Step 7 – In a medium hot pan add a few drops of oil, let it get hot for a few mins and add 1 and ½ Tbsp of pancake batter.

Step 8 – Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the edges start to dry out and you can see the bottoms are golden brown. Carefully flip. Cook on the other side for a total of 2-3minutes, swirling any remaining oil around the edges.

Step 9 – Repeat with the remaining batter, adding a few drops of oil in between. To keep pancakes warm, add to a wire rack and keep in the oven at 95ºC until ready to eat.

About the Ingredients

Oats: I’m using organic jumbo oats here. use any oats you have. Oats are among the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. Oats are rich in carbs and fibre, but also higher in protein and fat than most other grains.

Plant Milk: I’m using unsweet oat milk here. You can use any plant milk you have at home.


Apple cider vinegar and baking powder: When combining baking soda and vinegar (or acid) work together harmoniously to create the leavening process of the batter. This is what gives your pancakes the air bubbles.

Hemp Seeds: Technically a nut, hemp seeds are very nutritious. They have a mild, nutty flavour and are often referred to as hemp hearts. They are exceptionally rich in two essential fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-3. Hemp seeds are a great protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein.

Serving suggestion: Add a Tbsp of Cashew Cream, your favourite fruit and sprinkle with hemp seeds. repeat until you get your desire stack of pancakes. You can add more Maple Syrup for a sweeter taste.